When it comes to tool collections, I’ve seen absolutely loads. We’re obsessed with tools and for many of our customers Milwaukee Tools are right up there with the best and boy do they like to show off their collections! I’ve collected up some of my personal favourites along with the biggest and best collections I’ve seen to give you the Ultimate countdown of the biggest Milwaukee Fans!
10 – The Milwaukee Motorcycle
This reddit user has done some serious Milwaukee modifications to his bike, personally I think that extra storage would come in real handy! Plus he’s done it with Packout so it’ll take a knock too.
(On a side note, in this article you’ll see some Packout cases that are red. In the USA they have all red cases but here in the UK we have the black edition.)

9 – A Tidy Set-up
When we put out the request to see your Milwaukee kits, Daniel Burnett answered the call! We love this well-thought-out collection with storage for even the most demanding jobs with the added gadgets like the Packout radio, plus the Backpack Vacuum to clear up when he’s done.

8 – Packout Birthday Cake
Bob Krippner celebrated his birthday like any true Milwaukee enthusiast would, hope this cake tastes as good as it looks!

7 – The Milwaukee Trailer Dream Set-up
This looks as good as any workshop out there, with the bonus of being housed in a trailer so you can take it to the job with you! Macully Snyder really does have the ultimate mobile workstation, with every Milwaukee tool you could need, organised beautifully too.
6 – Milwaukee Enthusiast for life
Declaring your love for Milwaukee doesn’t get much more permanent than a whopping great tattoo on your leg! Do you know anyone who loves the brand this much?! Extra points for the camo crocs.

5 – Everything Milwaukee, including the microwave.
It’s halfway down the list and things are starting to get serious. Rich Coates van is a sight to behold, with everything red, including the customised microwave, (no, these aren’t legitimate Milwaukee).
4 – The Great Red Wall
Kevin Bodle really does have an absolutely giant collection, we can’t even comprehend how you transport all of this around with you?!

3 – Packed-out Van
This is one of the nicest interiors on a van I’ve ever seen. Gareth Coates really has a set-up to make anyone jealous. We spoke to him and he confirmed, obviously the drawers are packed full of Milwaukee tools. “I’ve got over 100 M12 and M18 tools & countless hand tools. I’m a fan of brands that do it all, just waiting for some Milwaukee socks & pants!”
2 – The Ultimate Milwaukee Workshop
The toss-up between our top 2 was tough. Chris Yates’ garage really does leave you drooling with the number of tools plus all of the accessories to create the ultimate man cave. Not to mention he also reps a fantastic Milwaukee tattoo on his forearm, a true Milwaukee super fan.
1 – Blown Away!
When it comes to being a Milwaukee enthusiast, aasan_elektro takes our top spot. The sheer amount of Milwaukee Packout on display here is just unbelievable! We can imagine this collection will only keep growing, soon he’ll need a crane to get them all stacked up.
So there you have it, some of the best collections I’ve ever seen in my time at ITS and being a tool fanatic. I’d like to think we’re a strong contender for ultimate Milwaukee enthusiast, just pay a visit to our Milwaukee PowerZone?!

Do you think you have a Milwaukee collection that could make our top 10?! Get in touch, there might even be a prize in it for the best ones.