Ben Thomsett
Ben is an adept Social Media Content Specialist, excels in crafting engaging online narratives. His role involves curating compelling content that resonates with every ITS fan, showcasing our wide range of products. Ben's rich experience within ITS positions him as a seasoned pro with a deep understanding of the industry and the all the latest tools and trends. Passionate about digital storytelling, this has made him the ideal person for finding out the the need to know info and what's going on in the market, right now!

Multi Tools – How many jobs can we do with JUST 2 tools?!
We see how many jobs we can complete with JUST 2 Tools!

Brand New Makita Cordless Microwave 40V XGT – We’ve Used it
We've taken a look at the brand-new Makita 40V Cordless Microwave to give you all the information you need! Check it out, coming soon to ITS!